The Importance of Giving Back

The Importance of Giving Back

Everyone has been gifted something in their lifetime. Perhaps from a friend, a family member, or even a stranger. More than likely, you've experienced the joy of receiving something from all of the above people in your life. In fact, it has likely occurred on multiple occasions. However, far too often in today's busy world, we can forget about what's really important in life: giving back.

 Whether it was a second of their time that they chose to spend holding a door open for you, or something more memorable, like dedicating some of their time, love, or money to give you an experience, comfort, or an item, whenever someone does something for us, the important thing is that we take time to recognize it. Beyond saying thanks, we also need to take an equal or greater amount of our own time and love to pay it forward.

 In doing so, we are able to inspire others to share a small piece of their own time or love with a friend, family member, or stranger. That's the notion that we apply here at Spirit Spice as well because we realize just what a positive effect it can have.


You likely don't remember the face of everyone who has ever done a small deed in your favor, but you can likely remember how it made you feel. When little favors and good deeds come out of nowhere, we are inspired to be the best version of our self each and everyday. What's even more powerful is sharing this feeling with others by committing to offering up small favors and good deeds whenever we have the chance.

At Spirit Spice, we are rooted in the belief that giving back is essential to moving forward. We have put tremendous work into curating a beautiful selection of products that we feel will help our customers pay-it-forward through love and gifting. In addition to making products that we hope will inspire and empower others to be their best, we also generate financial donations from each and every sale we make and donate the proceeds to life-changing humanitarian causes that will make a broader impact.

 Our motto is to give back what has been given to us. By donating a portion of our profits back to a handful of local organizations, we know that we are working together to leave a positive mark on our community. Our Recipe for Life pocket journals work to generation donations to I Matter Too, a USA-based organization that supplies foster children with one-on-one mentorship and education through the love of Jesus Christ.


Learn more about our efforts and their work here.